Cold Case: Police still searching for killer of teen who was shot while playing video games

July 26, 2018
1 min read
From the Bibb County Sheriff's Office: Do you know who shot Shar’Bora Daniels? On the night of June 6, 2012, the teenager was at home playing video games with her brother, when her life ended after a bullet came through the wall facing the street, striking her in the head.

From the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office: Do you know who shot Shar’Bora Daniels? On the night of June 6, 2012, the teenager was at home playing video games with her brother, when her life ended after a bullet came through the wall facing the street, striking her in the head.

Fast forward five years later and a family is left with no answers, while a murderer remains on the run! If you have any information about this cold case please call the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office at 751-7500.

The Video: Below is a video produced by WMGT on the one year anniversary of Daniels’ death.