How the South Fulton School Shuffle Could Affect Your Family


📚 The Gist: The Fulton County School Board is reviewing a significant redistricting plan for South Fulton elementary schools, coinciding with the construction of a new S.L. Lewis Elementary School.

🏫 The Details: The proposal includes closing S.L. Lewis Elementary to facilitate construction and redistributing Mary M. Bethune Elementary’s students among Heritage and Love T. Nolan Elementary Schools. During the 2024-2026 school years, S.L. Lewis students will temporarily attend Bethune Elementary.

🔢 By The Numbers:

  • 39% of Bethune Elementary’s students will remain there.
  • 42% to be transferred to Heritage Elementary.
  • 19% to Love T. Nolan Elementary.

🔙 In Context: The plan accommodates rising fifth graders, allowing them to stay at their current school with transportation arranged by parents. It also involves community input, with public hearings required before any school closure, ensuring transparency and public involvement.

🤔 Why It Matters: This restructuring affects the educational landscape of South Fulton, reshaping student distributions and school capacities. It aims to balance enrollments, ensuring optimal resource utilization and preparing for an upgraded S.L. Lewis Elementary.

🙋‍♀️ What You Can Do: Affected families should keep informed about the school board’s upcoming decision and the potential changes. Engagement in scheduled public hearings can provide opportunities for community input.

📅 What’s Next?: The school board’s decision, expected on February 20, will determine the plan’s future. If approved, official notifications to impacted families will commence in spring 2024, signaling a new phase in South Fulton’s educational system.

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