The Buckhead Coalition is against Buckhead cityhood. Here’s why


The Gist: The Buckhead Coalition, a non-profit organization in Buckhead, Atlanta, has issued a letter urging opposition to Senate Bill 59, which would pave the way for a vote on Buckhead cityhood. The proposed legislation would allow residents of Buckhead to decide whether they want to form a new city separate from Atlanta.

The Issue: The issue at hand is the proposed Buckhead cityhood. Senate Bill 59 would permit Buckhead residents to vote on whether to create a new city, independent of Atlanta. Proponents argue that a new city would improve public safety and better serve the needs of Buckhead residents. However, opponents, including the Buckhead Coalition, say they believe that creating a new city would be detrimental to Atlanta’s progress and reputation.

The Letter: The Buckhead Coalition has issued a letter to lawmakers, urging them to oppose Senate Bill 59. The organization notes that the proposal would be a significant departure from Atlanta’s tradition of civic groups collaborating with government, business, and faith leaders to address local challenges.

The Buckhead Coalition leaders also expressed concern about the potential impact on Atlanta’s reputation as a welcoming and inclusive city.

Why It Matters: The proposed Buckhead cityhood is a contentious issue that has sparked debate among residents, civic groups, and elected officials. The outcome of this proposal could have far-reaching consequences for Atlanta’s future. If Buckhead were to become a separate city, it could have a significant impact on the city’s tax base and its ability to fund important services and initiatives.

Cityhood efforts are also an issue for taxpayers on both sides of the issue who are concerned about how their tax dollars are best spent.

About The Buckhead Coalition: The Buckhead Coalition is a non-profit organization founded in 1988 to promote the economic and social welfare of Buckhead. The organization’s membership is composed of business and civic leaders committed to improving the quality of life in Buckhead.

The Buckhead Coalition serves as a voice for the community on issues related to economic development, public safety, transportation, and other matters affecting the area. The organization has been instrumental in shaping the growth and development of Buckhead over the past few decades.

The Source: You can read the letter below.

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