After losing his son, an Atlanta father created a way to make the ICU more efficient

March 20, 2019
1 min read

After losing a son, Lightengale founder Hans Utz was motivated to bring a change to the intensive care units he experienced during his child’s care.

While he sat by his son’s bedside, he noticed that the ICU nurses spent a great amount of time each day dealing with the stressful and difficult duty of physically tracing the lines that carried medication to their patients.

That burdensome — yet important — task inspired him to create the prototype for Lightengale — a way to light each individual line and make it easier to identify and trace.

Using a light-diffusing fiber optic cable embedded in the outer wall of an IV, Lightengale allows nurses to simply switch on a specific infusion line, so that it glows from pump to patient. Nurses can quickly see and trace each line, saving time, reducing error and making their lives easier.

Bringing with him 25 years of pragmatic, bottom-line and execution-focused experience, Hans Utz is the engineer and entrepreneur behind Lightengale. He has started several successful companies and holds a number of patents in diverse industries.

In previous roles, he has vetted early-phase concepts and companies for equity investors and designed, developed and brought to market technologies for multi-billion dollar enterprises.

He also served as deputy chief operating officer for the City of Atlanta, driving fiscal discipline and professional business practices into multiple operating departments. 

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