The upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on June 27 in Atlanta is set to be one of the most pivotal events of this election season. Whether you’re a committed supporter, undecided, or simply weary of the political process, there are several compelling reasons why you should tune in.

Historic Rivalry

Trump and Biden’s rivalry is among the most intense in modern American politics. Their previous debates were filled with sharp exchanges, personal attacks, and stark policy differences. Watching them go head-to-head offers a front-row seat to this historic showdown, allowing you to witness the candidates’ contrasting visions for the country’s future.

Unscripted Moments

Debates provide a rare glimpse of candidates outside their controlled environments. Without teleprompters or pre-written speeches, Trump and Biden will need to think on their feet. These unscripted moments often reveal more about their true character and leadership qualities than any prepared campaign event.

Key Policy Differences

The debate will cover critical issues such as healthcare, the economy, immigration, and climate change. Trump’s and Biden’s approaches to these topics are vastly different. For example, Biden’s focus on renewable energy and expanding healthcare access contrasts sharply with Trump’s emphasis on deregulation and tax cuts. Hearing their plans directly — outside the filter of partisan talking heads and media reports — can help you understand the real-world implications of their policies.

This is your chance to hear from both candidates on the same night on the same issues and while that process can sometimes be chaotic, it is an opportunity you just don’t get to see at campaign rallies or in campaign ads.

Voter Influence

Even if you’ve already decided who to vote for, debates can influence public opinion and shift momentum. Topics brought up in debates can become bigger issues in the campaign than they may have been before debate night. Watching the debate ensures you stay informed about the latest developments and understand the nuances that might sway undecided voters. It’s also an opportunity to see how each candidate handles tough questions and defends their record. In this election, both candidates have been president and both have a record.

Civic Responsibility

Engaging in the political process is a crucial part of democracy. Watching the debate helps you fulfill your civic duty by becoming a more informed voter. It prepares you to participate in discussions with friends, family, and colleagues, contributing to a more knowledgeable electorate overall.

Entertainment Factor

If you think debates are boring, consider the entertainment factor. The unpredictable nature of Trump’s and Biden’s interactions can lead to memorable and dramatic moments. From sharp retorts to unexpected policy announcements, debates can be anything but dull.

Some of the greatest moments in American politics have been captured on the debate stage.

Context for the Future

This debate is not just about the 2024 election—it will have lasting implications for the future of American politics. Understanding the candidates’ positions and performances provides context for their potential presidencies and the direction of the country.

Engaging When You Dislike Both Candidates

Even if you dislike both candidates, the debate is an opportunity to see if you could warm up to either candidate. One of these two candidates will be the next president, so if you plan to vote, you’re going to need as many opportunities as possible to see who’s warts you can live with for the next four years. Understanding their policies and how they handle direct confrontation can help you make a more informed decision about which candidate aligns more closely with your values or which one you perceive poses fewer risks to the country.

This One is Different

This debate will be unlike any presidential debate most of us have ever experienced. The rules are significantly different for this debate. For one thing, there will be no audience. The debate will be held in a television studio with no crowd to play to. The candidates will be addressing each other and the entire American electorate, not just a select few. The Commission on Presidential Debates is also not involved in this one. Instead, the rules for this debate were agreed upon by the candidates and CNN with no middleman. Lastly, the candidates are not able to interrupt each other. Each candidate’s microphone will be cut off when it is not their turn to speak.

National Conversation

Debates shape the national conversation. By watching, you ensure that you’re part of this dialogue, armed with firsthand knowledge rather than relying on secondhand summaries or biased interpretations. This helps you engage in more meaningful discussions and combat misinformation that you might find on social media, TikTok or Youtube.

The Importance of Being Fully Informed

If you aren’t willing to watch the debate, you may not be fully equipped to make an informed decision at the polls. Voting is a significant responsibility, and casting a vote without understanding the candidates’ stances and capabilities undermines the democratic process. Watching the debate is a fundamental step in ensuring that your vote is based on comprehensive, direct information rather than secondhand reports or partisan interpretations.

Debate and discussion of the issues are a cornerstone of democracy and of our republic. If you are too apathetic or partisan to even sit down and watch a debate on the issues — regardless of your feelings about the candidates — maybe democracy just isn’t for you. Perhaps you should consider sitting on the sidelines on Election Day and leave the participation in our democracy to those who are willing to put the effort in.

The Trump-Biden debate on June 27 is essential viewing for anyone interested in the future of the United States. It offers an unfiltered look at the candidates, their policies, and their ability to lead under pressure. Don’t miss this critical opportunity to be an informed participant in the democratic process.

Note: This is an opinion article as designated by the the category placement on this website. It is not news coverage. If this disclaimer is funny to you, it isn’t aimed at you — but some of your friends and neighbors honestly have trouble telling the difference.

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